
Biggleswade & District Gardening Club




Home Page





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Welcome to the Biggleswade & District Gardening Club website


Get out your Diaries –

the 2025 Programme is here!




Check “Meetings” page for more information



For Kerry Austen’s rose information sheets - click HERE


We are a large, friendly and very active gardening club with a full programme of events.


Our regular meetings are held at 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of each month (except August and December) at the Weatherley Centre.  We have a varied range of guest speakers, some with advice and suggestions for improving our own gardens and some introducing us to gardens we can go and visit. As well as the speaker we have a raffle, refreshments and members’ plants for sale at some of the spring and summer meetings. For more details and dates click on “Meetings” link above.


We also have day or evening outings to gardens.


Details will appear shortly....

You can see pictures from previous shows by clicking on the "Gallery" link above.


So, if you’re interested in gardens and gardening, why not join us – click on “Membership” link above for subscription and contact details. Members receive a regular newsletter giving more details of upcoming events as well as contributions from other members.





For further details of club events click the link:  Contact us






 Website last updated 12 January 2022.